
We have allowed many misnomers and frankly misinformation to shake our faith in God, which therefore, shatters our understanding of who God has said we are. If you take nothing else away from this, know that information is not revelation. Only revelation can transform the way we process information. Some information instills the misconception that we are not valid in God unless a certain standard of success has found us. More than being earth shattering, that is FAITH SHATTERING. Truth is, whether no one calls or knows your name, who you are in God is what makes you successful. Society would have you believe through “information” that unless you have x-number of followers on Instagram, or comments on facebook, you lack success. You may never have a captive audience of 50 nor 500, you may never mount a podium, or hold a microphone, but if you reach just one someone, or touch the life of someone whom you meet at the local grocery store; you are successful! If you are able to speak in to the life of your co-worker or show a non-believer that even they matter, you are a great success story! Always look for a revelation from God before you intake too much information…your faith is on the line.

– Bishop-Elect Ivy